LYOSB31 (Available for all periods: 14:30 - 15:30)
1. Period | Kemal Işık |
2. Period, 3. Period | Ece Şahinoğlu Işık |
In this summer school we will try to utilize philosophy to understand social media. How can philosophy answer the following types of questions: Do the technologies that has become dominant especially after 2012, such as Instagram, TikTok or Youtube, are merely liberating tools or else they are integrated systems that determine who we are and how we feel? What is identity? Is your profile just a simple means to reflect your identity? Is "real identity" a viable concept? Is it possible to get out of social media (most probably you are reading this question on social media)? While we are searching answers to these questions we will get acquainted not only with modern philosphers like Kant or Hegel but also with more contemporary figures such as Benjamin, Luhmann, and Moeller.